Gava’s Sustainability Statement
We are committed and encourage a culture around sustainable development across all the organization's activities and strive to establish and promote sound environmental practice in our operations.
We believe that by thinking and acting sustainably, we will deliver excellent customer service and position ourselves for a strong future.
Sustainability is the way we manage our activities and operations to best serve our customers, ensuring safety, efficiency and responsibility in a manner that protects employees, business partners, communities and the environment now and in the future.
We are committed to reduce the environmental footprint of our operations:
- Select Carriers that transport goods in a manner that minimizes community and environmental impacts and aim to reduce fuel, energy, water and other resources needed to move each ton-mile of freight.
- Increase recycling and reuse efforts through waste minimization.
- Strive to manage the supply chain in consideration of environmental effects and good governance.
- Communicate regularly on sustainability issues
- Collaborate with customers and communities to grow sustainably, considering social, economic and environmental effects.
- Provide a safe, healthy, and compliant workplace and working environment
- Minimize the use of paper wherever possible.
- Ensuring that all waste is disposed of according to industry standards and strong environmental principles
Emission calculator provided by EcoTransIT World
We have chosen EcoTransIT World emission calculator because it is the most widely used software for automatic calculations of energy consumption, carbon emissions, air pollutants, and external costs.