The average time that a container remained at the San Pedro Bay Port complex before being sent out from July 2023 was 3.2 days, according to the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA).
This is consistent with the average of 2.9 days in June 2023. A three-day average is within the normal range and indicates that the supply chain at San Pedro Bay is operating smoothly.

The average dwell time for rail-bound containers was 4.1 days in July, compared to 4 days in June. In July 2023, 10.2% of local containers and 24% of rail-bound containers stayed for more than five days.

Michele Grubbs, Vice President of the PMSA, said, “We are pleased to see that dwell time for both rail and truck cargo remains flat and low from month to month.” “The seamless facilitation of container movement through marine terminals, guaranteeing timely delivery of imported goods, continues to be a top priority for terminal operators.”

In March 2022, the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles announced that they would begin collecting a $10 fee per TEU on loaded import and export cargo containers hauled by drayage trucks as they enter or leave container terminals. However, in January 2023, the San Pedro Bay Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles phased out the never-implemented “Container Dwell Fee.”

The PMSA attributed the stable dwell times to a number of factors, including increased efficiency at the ports, improved coordination between the ports and their customers, and a decrease in the number of import containers arriving at the ports.

The PMSA also noted that the ports are continuing to work to reduce dwell times even further. These efforts include expanding the use of automation and robotics, improving infrastructure, and streamlining processes.
